Russia expels 34 French diplomats



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The Kremlin announced the expulsion of many French diplomats. Moscow is thus responding to the expulsion of 41 Russian diplomats from French territory which occurred at the beginning of April.

The message from Moscow is clear. It is about reprisals following the expulsion of Russian diplomats. A French decision which according to Moscow has dealt a serious blow to relations between the two countries. France, with 34 diplomats expelled, is not the only target. 27 Spanish and 24 Italian diplomats are also prayed to pack up.

With these expulsions, Emmanuel Macron’s position is more complicated to hold. Since the start of the conflict, he has insisted on maintaining regular contact with Vladimir Putin. 18 conversations have taken place since January, even if it means attracting criticism from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. With this major diplomatic crisis, the question arises about the current French position.

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