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Sunday, May 8, journalist Hugues Huet, special envoy to Moscow, Russia, explains what an official declaration of war on Ukraine by the Kremlin would change.
For the ceremony of May 9, which celebrates the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany, Russia could officially declare war on Ukraine, hitherto presented as a “special military operation”. “Vladimir Putin cannot boast of any significant victory (…). Indeed, Vladimir Putin could declare war on Ukraine”explains journalist Hugues Huet, special envoy to Moscow (Russia), Sunday, May 8.
This declaration would allow him to establish a state of emergency, to close the borders, to recall the reservists and to ask the conscripts to go to the front. “This, obviously, is an extremely sensitive decision, you can imagine the turmoil of the families in front of these sons, little or badly trained, who would go to the front and risk death”, explains Hugues Huet. Since February 24, the Russian population has been reassured by the propaganda which claims that everything is going according to plan. Declaring war would then be an admission of failure.