Russia continues annexation referendums in occupied territories

What there is to know

Russia has started polling residents of four Ukrainian regions that it wholly or partly controls. These annexation “referendums”, which began on Friday, continue on Saturday September 24 and will end on Tuesday September 27 in the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk and in areas under Russian occupation in the regions of Kherson and Zaporijia. Follow our live.

Towards new sanctions. US President Joe Biden assured that the United States and its allies would impose new economic sanctions “quick and severe to Russia” if it annexes territories in Ukraine in the context of these elections criticized from all sides by the international community.

Zelensky condemns these votes. Friday evening, in his daily address to the nation, the Ukrainian president also denounced these elections. He said he was convinced that “the world will react with the greatest accuracy to the pseudo-referendums” and that these “will be unequivocally condemned”.

Beijing’s Veiled Critics. Without going so far as to denounce the organization of these elections, China, Moscow’s closest partner, nevertheless called for respect for “the territorial integrity of all countries”.

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