Russia claims to have stopped five major assaults


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M.De Chalvron, E.Lagarde, J.Boulesteix, V.Castel, @RevelateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

Russia claims Monday, June 5 to have repelled various offensives in the Donetsk region, in Bakhmout or even in Belgorod. But it still doesn’t look like Ukraine’s big counter-offensive.

Supporting video, the Russian army claims to have foiled a major Ukrainian counter-offensive. We can see Ukrainian armored vehicles destroyed in a row in the Zaporijia region, or in Donetsk. There Russia claims to have pushed back in all five major assaults at different inrights from the front line, fueling the idea of ​​the start of an offensive by Ukraine. Ukraine, for its part, claims that the videos are olds. In a video, the Ukrainian General Staff makes it clear that no indication will be given on the cons-coming offensive.

Attacks on Russian territory continue

Meanwhile, attacks on Russian territory continue, carried out by pro-Ukrainian Russian militiamen. Repeated attacks respond according to experts to a strategy Ukrainian for the counter-offensive. “What the pro-Ukrainian Russians are trying to do in Belgorod is to force the Russian army to reposition itself (…), to have less combat capacity whend the Ukrainians will decide to launch their offensive on their own tterritory”, analyzes Xavier Tytelmanmilitary aeronautical expert.

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