Russia claims capture of Mariupol


France 3

Article written by

H. Huet, @RevelateursFTV, A. Grenier – France 3

France Televisions

Vladimir Putin has instructed his troops to besiege the Azovstal factory, where Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are entrenched. The country claimed victory in Mariupol on Thursday, April 21.

In Mariupol (Ukraine), the last pocket of resistance is subjected to a deluge of fire, Thursday, April 21. In the bowels of the Azovstal factory, the last Ukrainian soldiers are still present, entrenched. They would be 2,000 according to the Russians, barricaded in the basements, completely surrounded. In images filmed by a pro-Kremlin blogger, Russian soldiers patrol the outskirts of the factory. It’s a way of showing the takeover of Mariupol.

In a staging, the Russian defense minister faces Vladimir Putin and suggests making the final push. For the Russian president, it is useless. I consider the project to storm the industrial zone to be meaningless“, he said, considering the victory already achieved. Four humanitarian buses were able to leave the city, according to the Ukrainian authorities.

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