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09:52 : “As a result of the strike, a detachment of mercenaries from a Polish private military company (…) was liquidated in the village of Iziumske, Kharkiv region. Up to 30 Polish mercenaries were eliminated”, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement. Follow our live.
09:51 : Russia claims to have killed around 30 “Polish mercenaries” in a strike carried out in northeastern Ukraine.
09:48 : “The number and scale of missile strikes on Kyiv sites will increase in response to all terrorist-type attacks and sabotage carried out on Russian territory by the nationalist regime in Kyiv,” declares the Russian Ministry of Defense, announcing the destruction of a workshop for the production of surface-to-air missiles in the Vizar factory.
09:45 : Russia announces that it has bombed an arms factory near kyiv and will intensify its strikes on the capital, in response to attacks on Russian territory.
07:27 : Despite the hype, some French companies, businessmen and politicians continue to do business in Russia. Our journalist Anne-Laure Barral investigated French interests in Vladimir Putin’s country.
08:24 : At the time you read these lines, Larissa, Anastasiia and Sophie will be on a bus somewhere between France and Ukraine. Indeed, after a month spent completely sheltered in Toulouse, the mother of the family and her two daughters decided to return home, to their home in kyiv. It doesn’t matter if the war is not over, the lack of the country is too strong. I was there when they were packing their bags. Report.
06:44 : Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron “compete in imagination to seduce the French and try to rebuild democracy” between proportional, referendum, return to the seven-year term and citizens’ convention, note Le Figaro. The daily also offers a series of portraits of Ukrainians after 50 days of war.

06:24 : Russia has many tactical nuclear weapons, of a lower power than the Hiroshima bomb, in accordance with its doctrine of “escalation-de-escalation” which would consist in first using a low-power nuclear weapon to take over the advantage in the event of a conflict with Westerners. But this assumption implies that “NATO is intervening militarily on the ground in Ukraine during this conflict, and that is not something, as the president has made clear, that is planned”underlined the head of the CIA.
06:20 : The Kremlin has mentioned putting its nuclear forces on alert “but we haven’t really seen any concrete signs like deployments or military measures that could heighten our concerns”added the head of the main American intelligence agency, who spoke to students at Georgia Tech University in Atlanta.
06:19 : “Since it is possible that President Putin and the Russian leadership will descend into despair… none of us can take lightly the threat posed by the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons of weak power.”
Military setbacks in Ukraine could prompt Vladimir Putin to resort to a tactical or low-power nuclear weapon there, CIA chief William Burns believes.
(Brendan Smialowski / AFP)
09:16 : Let’s make a first update on the news:
• Emmanuel Macron will be the guest of “Presidential Mornings” on franceinfo at 8:30 a.m. The candidate of the Republic on the move will answer questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle, as well as witnesses selected by the online media Konbini and franceinfo listeners. Marine Le Pen will be the guest of the morning of France Bleu Vaucluse at 7:45 am then that of France Bleu Provence at 8:10 am. Follow our live.
• From clashes between Palestinian demonstrators and Israeli police took place this morning on the Esplanade of the Mosques in Jerusalem, said witnesses and rescuers. “Seven injured were taken to hospital for upper body injuries”said an official of the Palestinian Red Crescent when asked about these clashes in the third holiest place in Islam, also called Temple Mount in Jewish tradition.
the Moscow, Russian flagship in the Black Sea, sank last night after being hit by a Ukrainian missile according to kyiv, due to an accidental fire according to Moscow, a major setback raising fears of an escalation of the conflict while Russia accuses Ukraine of bombard villages on its soil. The Pentagon has called “hard blow” the shipwreck in the Black Sea.
Relief supported by helicopters continued to remove bodies from the rubble of the unprecedented floods that have hit South Africa for four days, a new toll having increased in the evening to 341 dead and 41,000 people affected.
A preliminary investigation was opened yesterday for rape and sexual assault following a questionnaire carried out internally at the School Polytechnic and according to which one student in four has been the victim of sexual assault there since the start of her schooling, said the Evry prosecution. Eleven students in total say they have been victims of rape or attempted rape.