Russia | American basketball player Brittney Griner’s detention extended

(Moscow) A Russian court decided Thursday to extend until May 19 the detention of American basketball star Brittney Griner, arrested in February at Moscow airport and suspected of having transported narcotics, according to media reports. State.

Posted at 5:48 p.m.

Griner, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and WNBA champion, was arrested with “vapes and a liquid with a peculiar smell” of cannabis oil (hash oil), the Federal Customs Service had said. from Russia.

The Khimki court, in the suburbs of Moscow, rejected the arguments of his lawyers, who intended to establish the illegal and too harsh nature of his arrest, reports the government news agency Ria Novosti.

“However, they did not contest the accusation of drug trafficking globally,” the agency added.

After Griner’s arrest, which comes amid international tensions linked to the Russian army’s special operation in Ukraine, the American Federation USA Basketball had expressed its “concern” about “security” and the “good -être” of the player, who risks 5 to 10 years in prison.

Her Phoenix Mercury club and the Union of American Professional Players (WNBPA) also said they were “informed” of Brittney Griner’s situation.

Griner, 31, 2.06m, had actively participated in the 3and Phoenix WNBA title in 2014.

Many WNBA players compete in European leagues during the offseason in the United States, including the Russian and Ukrainian leagues.

The American therefore played several seasons in the jersey of the Russian team from Ekaterinburg, with which she won the Women’s Euroleague four times.

In a recently released travel advisory, the State Department called on all Americans to leave Russia “immediately,” warning them of several risks including “arbitrary enforcement of local laws.”

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