Rush to the Isère vaccination centers after Olivier Véran’s announcements

Booking platforms that are idling, like Doctolib and slots that are becoming increasingly rare in the days to come: this is the consequence of the announcements by the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. On Keldoc, the next meeting at Grenoble University Hospital is, to date, on December 8, for 18-64 year olds. For those over 65, slots from Monday are available. The Côtes du Rhône clinic in Roussillon was not spared. It has gone from 1,000 vaccinations per week this summer to 600 since the start of the school year.

His goal now is to go back to those 1,000 weekly doses. Alexandre Gairoard, the director wants to increase the pace: “We’re full until the end of the year. We are going to organize ourselves and reopen new niches. We have to manage the workforce, see how we recover doses, because they come from Grenoble. There is always this mobilization, even if we are in a complex period, we will do everything to open 200 or 300 additional meetings.. “

Fighting commotion

The Grésivaudan vaccination center is also expanding its availability and now open on saturday. Six barnums occupy the swimming pool of Crolles where five doctors and nurses chain the vaccines. Since Thursday, it hasn’t stopped. Between an exchange with the dose deliverer and a phone call to the Regional Health Agency (ARS), Sandrine Perdrix takes stock of the number of injections of the day. “At 11 am, we have already exceeded the number of vials used per day, for about 15 days, she explains. We have to adapt but the problem is not the number of doses, it is the people who come too quickly. We are obliged to refuse them if they come before five months have passed. People only hear one thing: that their health pass is going to be abolished. It is very difficult to enforce the differences between the second dose and the booster dose.

Her third dose done, Anne waits for the regulatory 15 minutes. She made her appointment a few hours before Olivier Véran’s announcements: “I’m worried, I wonder if there is going to be a fourth, a fifth dose … But in any case, I am a teacher, many of my students are falling ill at the moment so I am reassured to have it anyway. made.

Despite this sudden surge in demand, we do not risk a shortage of vaccines in Isère. Professor Pierrick Bedouch, the head of the pharmacy department at CHU Grenoble Alpes, is reassuring. It manages the doses for all the centers of the department of Isère. “The most important weeks, we made up to 70,000 doses per week. Currently we are around 15,000 doses per week. We have plenty to manage for several weeks. The ARS told us that we would have additional doses on Monday. “ The Grésivaudan center is already running at 500 vaccinations per day, instead of 300 before the announcements by Olivier Véran on Thursday.

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