Rumors, fake documentaries and artificial intelligence… Russia intensifies its disinformation campaign as Paris 2024 approaches, according to a report

An observatory managed by Microsoft details how Russian interference operations are increasing ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.



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A computer screen where it is written "#fakenews".  (HELMUT FOHRINGER / APA-PICTUREDESK / AFP)

Fake news to make the Olympic flame flicker. Russia has increased the scale of its disinformation campaign targeting the Paris Olympic Games, which aims in particular to raise fears of violent acts during the event, reports a Microsoft observatory.

According to the Threat Analysis Center (MTAC), managed by the American technology giant, Moscow is trying to sabotage the Games by doubling down on disinformation on the Internet. The observatory behind this report, managed by Microsoft, sheds light on the activity of two groups of Russian influence, Storm-1679 and Storm-1099, which associate “from ancient tactics to artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out harmful activities“. These broadcast contents aim, among other things, to defame France, its President Emmanuel Macron, as well as the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Their method: combining proven tactics and artificial intelligence. Like this example with a video presented as content from the France 24 channel. It states that 24% of tickets sold were returned for fear of an attack. False information, but a real attempt to raise fears of violent acts during the Olympics and to dissuade the public from attending. Another video subject presents itself as a message from the CIA and the French Directorate General of Internal Security which advises Internet users not to go to France due to a risk of attack.

Among the other targets: the International Olympic Committee at the heart of a fake documentary with the counterfeit voice of actor Tom Cruise. There will undoubtedly be more striking examples between now and the opening ceremony on July 26. The Microsoft Observatory expects this misinformation “intensifies”.

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