rumors about Vladimir Putin’s health denied by British army chief

“We see a relatively stable regime in Russia,” said Tony Radakin on the contrary in an interview with the BBC.

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He challenges unverifiable rumours. On Sunday July 17, British Chief of Defense Staff Admiral Tony Radakin challenged rumors about the health of Russian President Vladimir Putin or the possibility that he could be assassinated.

“I think some comments about the fact that he [Vladimir Poutine] doesn’t get healthy or he ends up getting murdered, well I think that’s wishful thinking.”Tony Radakin told the BBC, in an interview published on Sunday.

“As military professionals, we see a relatively stable regime in Russia, President Putin has been able to stifle all opposition…and no one at the top has the motivation to challenge him”he argued.

The White House also denies

Vladimir Putin’s health remains a mystery. The White House had denied, as of June 2, the information of the American weekly Newsweek claiming that the Russian president was suffering from cancer “at an advanced stage”.

The newspaper referred to a classified US intelligence report. “Reports that such an intelligence assessment exists and that the President has been briefed on it are not true”reacted the National Security Council, an organization of the American presidency.

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