Rugby, Mont-de-Marsan has one more Baa-baas!

Wavrin in the land of the Yankees

He is, like others, an oval traveler. He rolled around quite a bit before settling down at Moun in 2019. Mont-de-Marsan, a hassle to start the relationship. Dirty memory. That he stored away in his memory. Zoom out! William Wavrin first started in the Ile-de-France training. Then he went through the Espoirs du Racing, noticed for his size and his applications in the game. A serious guy, a hard worker. Involved. Narbonne, then Bobigny, Strasbourg. More lows than highs in clubs whose ambitions fray in contact with the reality of the game and the system. He puts his suitcases in Bourg-en Bresse, a real training club, a family, a culture, values. June 2019 he is hired by Stade Montois. October, black. Struck by Covid, he develops a serious heart condition. The tall silent man with a soft look takes the full virus in the fall of 2020, returning from a match in Grenoble. Months of doubt will follow. He was diagnosed with myocarditis. A very dirty thing. He must limit his physical activity, his cardiac demands.

His life is in danger.

He’s thirty years old. He thinks he’s lost time for rugby. Four months of dragging oneself, of hoping, of doubting. The anguish for the future, the concern for his life. And then the rebirth. And then in April 2021, again, finally, the meadow, the band, the game. The 3rd line finds its feelings. He goes through Monaco to work on his calves in a rugby 7s session. He is, by his calm and his commitment on the field, an essential part of the Mons system. With spring, the team regains virtue and Wavrin finds running, breath and energy. Life! Wavrin is offered the captaincy. In the pack as in the locker room, the man is balanced, soothing, affable, a quiet unifier. Not sinister for all that, the guy knows how to laugh at life and take good humor from happy times. He was offered this captaincy, for his calm, his experience. Because he is unanimous in the troupe. 2022, captain Wavrin and his gleaming band crush the Pro D 2 and delight in an often enjoyable rugby. And this season the great Wavrin leads his troupe to the firmament of a brilliant and ambitious game. Until the final. His state of mind, his attitude on the lawns make the gentleman of ovalie a unanimously appreciated executive. And a fierce defender. Wavrin has found his balance point. Denis Charvet, boss of the Baa-baas, calls him to play the Yankees in Texas. Normal consecration. Acknowledgement. Icing on the beautiful cake of a great year.

A quiet man.
JP Bzier SMR Pro

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