Rudy Pein Pastry Chef gives you an original idea for Easter

For Easter Rudy Pein makes a gourmet dessert with the flavors of his childhood. A real original delicacy, to get away from the traditional eggs, rabbits, forles and bells. A note of modernity with this chocolate-peanut tartlet. A fleur de sel peanut praline with its intense chocolate cream and crunchy chocolate. Rudy Pein tells you about his passion for the flavors of this raw dessert, which just makes you want to bite into the pastry.

Rudy Pein is a passionate pastry chef whom we adore at France Bleu Gironde, everything Rudy makes is deliciously gourmet. It must be said that Rudy Pein bakes without moderation, the objective being to please with delicacy, by imagining marriages of sweet flavors with a beautiful technicality. Rudy Pein has been part of the team of France Bleu Gironde bloggers since its creation in 2019. Rudy was a finalist in the show “My Cake is the best of France” on M6 with Pastry Chef Cyril Lignac in June 2021. His blog is called: Rudy’s desserts.

Rudy Pein author of Rudy’s desserts blog

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