Royalties in Canada | Musicians earned $67 on average

(OTTAWA) Musicians who write their own material earned an average of just $67 last year in royalties from streaming services in Canada, the body that represents Canadian songwriters reveals.

Posted at 10:50 a.m.

Mary Woolf
The Canadian Press

The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada — SOCAN — which collects royalties from musicians, including Drake, Joni Mitchell and Down with Webster, said that overall Canadians earned record royalties on streaming platforms last year.

The nonprofit collects payments from radio stations, television stations and digital platforms, including Spotify, YouTube and streaming services. In a new financial report, SOCAN notes that for the first time in its history, licensed music collections are expected to exceed $416 million per year. These figures will be confirmed in its annual report in June.

Despite pandemic momentum leading more people to download music at home rather than release, Canadian songwriters represented by SOCAN earned an average of just $67.14 in royalties Canadian digital streaming services in 2021.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, CEO Jennifer Brown said that while hit artists like Drake and The Weeknd are featured on a regular basis, Canadian musicians who aren’t as well-known may struggle to get exposure. visibility in Canada.

She says a law that would force streaming platforms to add more Canadian music to playlists in Canada would give musicians a boost and support early in their careers.

Bill C-11, currently under debate, would ensure that digital platforms, including Spotify and YouTube, promote Canadian music in the same way as traditional radio stations , which must provide airtime to Canadian music.

According to Mme Brown says it’s important for emerging songwriters and listeners that platforms “showcase Canadians” to help them gain exposure and reach a wider audience.

She also believes that the income of songwriters from digital platforms will soon exceed royalties from more traditional sources, such as airtime from radio stations.

For meme Brown, the observation that Canadian musicians earn so little from digital platforms could discourage young artists who want to pursue a career in music.

The bill would also require digital platforms to contribute financially to support musical talent and fund “infrastructure” such as recording studios, Brown.

YouTube warns, however, that forcing it to promote the work of Canadians rather than carefully choosing content to suit individual tastes may not lead to a greater selection of Canadian content overall.

This could, due to the way its algorithm works, result in some Canadian content being less streamed outside of Canada, where many Canadian artists make most of their money.

Michael Geist, Canada Research Chair in Internet Law at the University of Ottawa, also warns that “forcing” Canadian content could make it appear less popular than it is. is, and lead to its demotion by the algorithms of streaming platforms.

He warned that the bill could impact the income Canadian musicians make outside the country on digital platforms.

Conversely, Brown argues that the measures in the bill would not only introduce more listeners to Canadian music, but also increase royalties for Canadian musicians.

SOCAN, whose members include Michael Bublé, Gordon Lightfoot and the estate of Leonard Cohen, raised $135 million last year from the use of music on the internet alone.

She has also collected royalties from streaming platforms, including Netflix, including for theme songs signed by Canadian songwriters and composers.

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