Roxana Maracineanu pleads for “proportional gauges” in stadiums



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A decree, soon to be written and published, should make it possible to go “beyond the thresholds” of 2,000 spectators indoors, and 5,000 outdoors, said the Minister for Sports.

Guest of franceinfo on Friday January 7, the Minister for Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, pleaded for the establishment of “proportional gauges” in stadiums. “The decree that will allow it is not yet written, it will depend on the health situation. No doubt that the decision will be left to the prefect”, she clarified.

“We will go on proportional gauges beyond these thresholds of 2,000 spectators indoors, 5,000 outdoors. The decree that will allow it is not yet written. It will depend on the health situation. the vaccination pass must enter into force “, a declared the minister.

“No doubt that the decision will be left to the prefects because the health situation will not be the same territory by territory, but this is not yet relevant.”

Roxana Maracineanu, Minister for Sports

to franceinfo

Until then, Roxana Maracineanu calls for the “responsibility” clubs and federations to ensure that the distance between “two meters” between the supporters in the stands because “This is what will also make it possible to go beyond the threshold of 5,000 spectators and move towards proportional gauges which we have discussed with the actors”.

She regrets that 5,000 supporters were crammed into a single stand in Lens on Tuesday, January 4, during a Coupe de France match against Lille. “We can open a single stand with 15,000 seats, but people have to be kept apart. If we know in advance that the supporters are going to come together, it is better to open two stands”, she adds.

The Minister for Sports wants to reassure clubs suffering from the drop in ticket sales: “I say this for the benefit of all the clubs which obviously have financial worries due to their small size: we will be there to help them. We have already released 210 million euros for professional clubs to compensate for the lack of public that there was because of these restrictions. We will continue to help them. ”

“Seven billion euros in aid for sport in general, whether professional or amateur. We are not going to skimp on aid today.”

Roxana Maracineanu, Minister for Sports

to franceinfo

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