roundup of the week’s news


Video length: 2 min

The world in pictures: overview of the week’s news

The world in images: overview of the week’s news – (France 2)

The 8 p.m. news on Sunday February 25 looks back, in images, on the notable news of the week.

If the atmosphere can be gloomy in the metro in the morning, one user has made it his mission to make Parisians dance to music. Self-proclaimed the “transporter of happiness”, Femi makes travelers dance. Thanks to him, the platforms and corridors are transformed into nightclubs.

In Bangladesh, trains were invaded by a sea of ​​humans. Tens of thousands of faithful participated in the prayers of a religious pilgrimage.

A young chess master

In Taiwan, residents throw firecrackers at an effigy of a deity on the last day of Lunar New Year celebrations.

At just 8 years old, Ashwath Kaushik is the youngest player to beat an international chess grandmaster.

Finally, during a football match, the supporters did not show animosity. On the contrary, two of them, during a match between Benefica Lisbon and Toulouse, exchanged scarves, despite the windows that separated them.

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