Rouen opener Jordan Michallet died at 29

The Norman club, which plays in Pro D2, announced the death of its opener on Tuesday.

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This is very sad news that mourns the world of rugby. Opening half of Rouen Normandie Rugby (Pro D2), Jordan Michallet died at the age of 29, the club announced on its Facebook page on Tuesday January 18. Investigators favor the thesis of suicide.

“The Rouen Normandie Rugby family is deeply saddened to announce the death of our dear Jordan Michallet. This terrible news plunges the whole club into immense grief”, announces the RNR.

“The tragic death of Jordan Michallet leaves the world of rugby in shock”, tweeted the National Rugby League, which sends its condolences to the family. According to a police source, “all the elements suggest three successive suicide attempts, the last having unfortunately succeeded”. An investigation into the cause of death has been opened.

Trained in Grenoble, the French opener played in Bourgoin and Strasbourg. He was recruited by Rouen in 2018 and contributed to the rise of the Norman club in Pro D2. He had taken part, this season, in 16 games with Rouen, scoring a whopping 157 points.

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