Roselyne Bachelot: Her hilarious grimace live against Eric Zemmour did not go unnoticed!

During the evening of the second round of the presidential elections on Sunday April 24, 2022, Roselyne Bachelot was on the set of France 2 to answer questions from Anne-Sophie Lapix and Laurent Delahousse on the victory of Emmanuel Macron. Unlike some of her colleagues who we saw dancing on the Champ-de-Mars to celebrate the results, she took a serious and solemn tone to defend the work of the reappointed Head of State, but she is also noted for funny facial expressions.

Eric Zemmour spoke about the results of the presidential election shortly after the announcement of the 8 p.m. estimate of the vote, winning the outgoing president (58.5% of the vote) against Marine Le Pen. His speech was broadcast live on France 2, also showing the reactions of the guests: Adrien Quatennens, Ségolène Royal, Christian Jacob but also Roselyne Bachelot. In particular, she was entitled to a plan on her when she made a tasty face, then commented on the words of the leader of Reconquest who finished the first round with 7%. It’s hard to read her lips but we can guess that she doesn’t have it in her heart.

Family conflicts that have caused talk

Last December on RMC / BFMTV, the former Minister of Health was questioned about the candidacy of Eric Zemmour and more specifically his violent remarks against President Macron whom he had described as “type not finished“.”This is not a worthy political fight“, had then retorted Roselyne Bachelot. Then questioned about her relationship with her brother Jean-Yves Narquin, who presented himself at the time as the spokesperson for the Center-Val-de-Loire region of the former reactionary polemicist, She answered without blinking:In a family, there are ruptures that are final.

The intervention had returned to the ears of his brother, also former General Delegate of the Rassemblement Bleu Marine. He had chosen to react on Twitter: “I learn, by voice of press, that a ‘definitive rupture’ exists with my sister??? Are you sure Lily? I have, to this day, always avoided hitting you… I didn’t mix everything! But if I take out the missiles, who do you think will pass for a canteen?” Since then, the siblings have not spoken about their relationship, we imagine that Roselyne Bachelot, discreet about her private life, does not wish to expose more family conflicts.

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