Rose oil may help reduce stress

The scent of rose oil, when smelled daily over a long period of time, is said to have a beneficial effect on stress according to a study.

Iranian researchers divided 118 nurses into three groups who were exposed for two hours a day to lavender, rose and sesame smells respectively, the latter being used as a placebo.

After two weeks, the results were inconclusive.

But after four weeks, the group of nurses who had been exposed to rose oil felt a positive effect on shift stress.

The study published in The Journal of Science and Healing therefore concludes that aromatherapy using the smell of rose would be “a safe non-pharmacological method that can be used by nurses to improve their comfort in the workplace.”

Aromatherapy consists of the use of aromatic compounds extracted from plants, essential oils, for medical purposes.

The researchers add that this “may result in them turning to medication less often to relieve their work stress symptoms.”

They indicate, however, that the effects of various complementary and alternative therapies on their stress require further research.

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