“Rose”, magnificent Françoise Fabian as a happy widow


France 3

Article written by

E. Cornet, F. Simoes, P. Crapoulet, C. Chen – France 3

France Televisions

On display Wednesday, the story of Rose, 78 years old. On the death of her husband, this woman interpreted by the magnificent Françoise Fabian surprises her family by embracing life with the appetite of a great lover.

When in the winter of her life, Rose loses her husband, her world falls apart. First dejected, resigned, despite the protective love of her children. His meeting with a younger bartender will trigger an unexpected return to life. At 88, François Fabian recognized himself in this tailor-made role. “In reality I am like her, I have lived it all. Love, motherhood, mourning. I lived through age, and then after a while I said to myself, why is it that I would give up. I’m still alive, I’m still breathing. “

Thus, three years ago, the actress icon of the New Wave, even started to sing. On the set of the film, his energy blew everyone away. “It’s hard as a role, there are a lot of intimate things, of transformation. And she gave herself completely”, recognizes the director Aurélie Saada. A touching first film which reminds us that there is no age to afford a second youth.


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