rose hips, natural benefits for your health

The rose hip is a berry that contains fruit: the achenes. The ideal time to pick it is at the beginning of autumn and until January. Ideally from the first frosts, because they soften the rose hips.

The rose hip is a fleshy berry, but in reality, for botanists, the real fruit is the achenes (the small dried fruits with hairs in the berries). This is what gave its common name which is the ass scratcher because all those little achenes are irritating.

The rose hip is the ancestor of our roses. If you want to cultivate it, it takes cuttings very well.

The rose hip © Radio France
Vincent Vivian
  • When making rosehip jam, it sets very well because the fruit is rich in peptides. Some even make ketchup with rosehip puree by mixing it with tomato.
  • It is also possible to make a rosehip syrup. We will make an infusion, let it macerate, extract the pulp, add the weight in sugar, bring to the boil and store in sterilized bottles.
  • You can make a powder made from dried rose hips, it can be easily found in herbalism. It is a fairly powerful anti-inflammatory which is particularly useful for reducing morning stiffness. Ideal when you start to age.

Did you know ? Rose hips are the ancestor of all roses. All roses bear edible rose hips. Therefore, if you have old roses at home with beautiful rose hips, do not deprive yourself, you can eat the berries of your roses.

To contact Véronique Le Lann, herbalist at Le Colombier vert, in Yonne

Véronique is trained and certified by the ELPM (Lyonnaise School of Medicinal Plants)/

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