Romy Schneider: Her daughter Sarah pays tribute to her … surrounded by two Miss France!

The seventh art shines all over the world at the start of 2022. The Critics Choice Awards, the BAFTA ceremony have made young and old dream in England and America… but France is not left out . And it’s a huge face of French cinema that will come to light up in the coming weeks, since the Cinémathèque Française, located in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, is organizing an exhibition and a Romy Schneider retrospective, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of her death. – the actress died on May 29, 1982.

The Romy Schneider retrospective will take place from March 16 to July 31, 2022. But a few hours before the official opening of the doors of the event, some celebrities were able to go, in preview, to the location to attend the opening. The daughter of the actress, Sarah Biasini – from the love of Romy Schneider and Daniel Biasini – was present, as were Nathalie Baye, Rosalie Varda, Costa-Gavras, but also Diane Leyre and Clémence Botino, respectively Miss France 2022 and Miss France 2020, Caroline Huppert, singer Jeanne Cherhal, Thierry Frémaux, Pierre Santini, Camille Esteban, Jean-Paul Rappeneau, Véronique Dabadie, Laetitia Avia, Déborah Grall, Anthony Sonigo, Serge Bromberg, Constance Dollé, Alban Aumard, Barbara Carlotti or even Serge Toubiana.

The Cinémathèque Française would like to pay tribute to Romy Schneider. The tragic end of life of the actress, her strange disappearance at the age of 43, her past affair with Alain Delon seem, more and more, to take precedence over her extraordinary career in the collective unconscious. This is why his filmography will be projected on the big screen, for more than 4 months, and his work will be detailed, commented on, in the exhibition, and through several conferences, with the help of texts, radio interviews, television shows, his diary and the making-of of his filming. Romy Schneider had filmed for the greatest, Alain Cavalier, Claude Sautet, Luchino Visconti, Orson Welles. It’s time to discover, or rediscover, the thousand facets of his talent…

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