An observation is essential, as much in the castle of Mont-Saint-Hilaire as My mother, your father that in the newly gendered Mexican villas ofDouble occupancy : the girls all deplore the lack of initiative and proactivity of the guys who surround them, without really approaching them.
In My mother, your father to TVA, Gaspésie Sandy, 53, complained about the sluggishness of the singles in the mansion. “I think the guys are not enterprising enough. There, you’ll have to step on the accelerator. They’re going to have to release their primal scream. Man must go hunting,” declared the blonde Sandy, surely mixed between the words primate and primal, but hey, we understand her fine anthropological analysis.
Still, the myth of the provider man, who puts food on the table while grunting, has also found echo in Double occupancy: Mexico from Noovo, which targets another generation than the My mother, your fatheror the young Z. Barely embarking on the adventure, personal trainer Solène, 22, turned back the clock to the Paleolithic era. “There are hunters, there are gatherers, you are a gang of gatherers, but off season,” observed Solène, sorry for the ambient “dryness” and the fear that she read in the eyes of the guys. ‘OD.
Another OD recruit, marketing consultant Alix, 29, called the participants “really embarrassed” and flat. She’s not wrong. It took a big month before our bros thawed.
HAS My mother, your fatherJonathan, 44, noticed the great insecurity that women experience in the company of men who navigate the 5 to 7 with their foot on the brake – and the handbrake activated. “We don’t react, we don’t do much,” observed Jonathan after a party fluorescent from the 1980s, where Isabelle spent her time calculating the mileage between her house in McMasterville and that of her future husband (arke, by the north shore!)
Laura, Judith’s daughter, was even more direct with single fathers who are sleeping on the gas: “You’re here to find love, so get off your ass,” she commented in response to the stagnation of relationships.
In short, to paraphrase travel content creator Raphaël at OD, there is a lot of “fluttering, but no browsing”. Foraging, foraging, at this point, we won’t persist for three or four letters. “You have to wake up at some point,” implored Félix, who thankfully keeps his “horizons open.”
Despite their superficial exterior, reality shows OD and My mother, your father currently expose serious and contemporary issues such as the loss of bearings of heterosexual men in the flirting market. Yes, our males are in pain. They keep themselves very self-conscious and rarely take the first steps.
And it’s not a question of generation. They are criticized for this wait-and-see attitude as much at OD as at My mother, your father. Are guys afraid of going too far, too fast, and then getting canceled? Or are they really stuck and clumsy in seduction?
Stereotypes, even in this era of deconstruction, die hard. The woman chased, the man in control, why not reverse these traditional roles?

Sandy, competitor to My mother, your father who complained about the effeminacy of single people, and her daughter Ève-Amélie
Real estate broker Catherine F., 27, adopts a more modern and refreshing attitude in the amorous mazes of OD. She shows her interests, never closes doors and plays the charm card to the fullest. She’s my favorite, frank and authentic.
Between a prayer in Serbian and a visit to the mangra, no, the bangra, no, the mangrove, we understand that it is in this more frontal way that the girls would like the guys to approach the game at OD and at My mother, your father.
But don’t think that our favorite television singles are struggling with the complexity of male-female relationships in this post-#metoo era. They have more pressing issues, like nutritionist Anna, 23, just really fed up with having to “splain” to everyone. Her boyfriend, Michaël, 27, offered to “sit down” with her so that she could “handle” the situation better. What a gentleman.
Because “the cloud has melted”, the makeup artist Melek, 22, broke up “respectfully” with Raphaël, 27, who, for his part, finds that Melek is “salty”. Like the Pretty Ugly chips that were eaten in a week.
On this subject, the model Maude is able, in the same sentence, to prank a sponsor and talk about his “feels”, the two main qualities of a reality TV competitor, let’s say it. “You make me experience emotions, I have to go put on Secret,” she said to her roommates, who discovered a new expression, “to have the ick”, which they sprinkle everywhere, like toppings on a Salvatoré pizza.
In a bungee with Bilal, Catherine F. got the ick. Translation ? Her attraction to Bilal, Bills says, turned to repulsion. Similar situation for Anna, who had the ick, the equivalent of yuck, for Michaël, disembarked from his top 1.
Good news: Michaël’s newfound availability has “definitely not fallen on deaf ears”, remarked Alix, who will no doubt take all of her ways to get to Michaël’s heart.
Another favorite among the ladies, Fanny the 25-year-old pharmacist has unfortunately! sank her geometry class when she called a nine-sided figure an ennagon. We rather say an enneagon. The beautiful Fanny is also one letter away from spelling happiness.