Roman Polanski: An old key testimony revealed, can the case switch?

At almost 89, it’s hard to deny that Roman Polanski is one of the most talented filmmakers of his generation… but also one of the most controversial: for many years, the director has been prosecuted in the United States for several rape and sexual assault on minors in the 1970s. Serious charges, which he always rejected, often speaking of a consensual relationship.

Never returned across the Atlantic, where he would risk being imprisoned, the director has just learned good news from his American lawyers: indeed, the prosecutor who recovered the case of the alleged rape of the young Samantha , 13, in 1977 has just authorized justice to lift the confidentiality around the testimony of Roger Gudson, one of his former predecessors.

The latter had, at the time, made a contract with the two parties: wanting to avoid a trial for the young girl, he had agreed to drop the heaviest charges against the director. In exchange, he would have demanded that he recognize a sexual relationship with a minor. But his testimony, stricken with judicial secrecy, had never been broadcast and according to the director and his lawyers, the agreement would not have been fully respected.

The prosecutor currently in charge of the case surely hopes in this way to advance a case that has been going on for almost 45 years: even if the victim no longer wants to hear about the case and that she withdrew her complaint Several years ago, American justice did not want, until now, to close the investigation without Roman Polanski returning to explain himself to the United States, something he has always refused to do.

A subject that divides the cinema

So, are we going to witness a real turnaround in favor of the Franco-Polish director? Or will his situation get worse? The answer should arrive soon, but do not undermine Roman Polanski’s desire to continue making films: his next film, Palacewill arrive at the end of the year.

And should, unsurprisingly, provoke the same reactions as the previous one, I accuse, for which he had been decorated with a César for the very controversial best director in view of the very numerous accusations of assault and rape (which are mostly prescribed today). The actress Adèle Haenel had notably left the room with a bang, supported by the presenter of the ceremony, Florence Foresti, who had not returned to the stage after the verdict.

But Roman Polanski had also found defenders, notably his wife, Emmanuelle Seigner, with whom he has two children (Morgane and Elvis, 29 and 24). She spoke in particular about “lies of mad hysterics in need of popularity“. His sister, Mathilde, had also taken his side, just like Jean Dujardin, who played the leading role in the film. His lawyer, on the set of Dailyhad meanwhile been very clear.

It is not on a media level that one can respond to public accusations that are not corroborated by complaints and which are not corroborated either by investigations. There is not the slightest investigation underway concerning Mr. Polanski“, he had said about the accusations of some French women.

Roman Polanski remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of these cases.

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