Romain Ntamack in a relationship with Lili: find out who shares the life of the star of the Blues

Here we go again for a new year of the six nations tournament, the competition which brings together the best European rugby nations. A tournament that has eluded the French for far too long and despite their status as favorites, the Blues will already have to give their best to win. To achieve their goals, they will notably be able to count on their firepower composed of Antoine Dupont, recently named best player in the world, and Romain Ntamackthe two players from Stade Toulouse.

The latter is part of the new golden generation of French rugby and at only 22 years old, he integrated very quickly and is now a star of Fabien Galthié’s team. If all goes well on the rugby pitches, things are also going very well in the private life of Romain Ntamack. The hunk is in a relationship with a certain Lili, a very pretty brunette with whom he appears on social networks. If we do not know much about the one who calls herself lilipez on Instagram, she still has 12,300 subscribers and seems very in love with her rugby player.

Given that they are rather discreet in the media, it is difficult to know exactly when their relationship began, but the first photo of the two lovebirds together dates back to May 24, 2021. In the photo we can see Romain and Lili with the European champion trophy won by the young rugby player. “At the top”writes Lili who posted this photo liked more than 3,000 times.

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