“We find ourselves facing a war which is at the gates of Europe” so “we must adapt our production apparatus”, declares the Minister Delegate for Industry.
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“Maybe we need to put a little pressure” on businesses, declared Wednesday March 27 on franceinfo Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry while Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the Armed Forces, affirmed Tuesday that he did not rule out resorting to requisitions in industry to accelerate “the cadences” arms production.
France wishes to adopt a logic of“war economy” to continue supporting Ukraine. “We are not going to transform washing machines into tanks”quipped Roland Lescure, but “We need to increase the pace a lot, a lot.”
For now, the government is committing “a conversation with defense industrialists”, supported Roland Lescure, while half-heartedly threatening that “everything we voted for can be implemented.” The military programming law contains a provision which allows the production of military equipment to be prioritized over civilian equipment within industries.
Military orders increased from around 9 billion in 2017 to 20 billion euros in 2023: “We have increased orders a lot, a lot. We find ourselves facing a war which is at the gates of Europe”in Ukraine, then “we must adapt our production apparatus so that in the face of this war that is striking, we can respond and be up to the task.” According to the Minister of Industry, the problem is not financial. “Today, the military programming law is financed and planned. The major subject is the rate of production and that is what we must focus on”he repeated.