Roger Federer, almost retired: vibrant tribute to his wife Mirka, decisive on all fronts

This is an announcement that many have been dreading for many months and it finally arrived on September 15th. At 41 and after a 24-year career, Roger Federer announced that he intends to end his career after the Laver Cup, which starts tomorrow and ends next Sunday. “It’s time for me to end my career”, announced the Swiss, plunging into deep sadness his millions of fans and all tennis lovers, for whom he will forever remain one of the greatest players in history. A fulfilled man on the field, but also outside, since he shares the life of the beautiful mika for nearly twenty-two years now.

A beautiful relationship which materialized by a marriage in April 2009, then by the successive birth of the two pairs of twins of the couple, parents therefore of 4 beautiful children aged 13 and 8 years old. A former Slovak professional player, Mirka knows all the workings of the circuit well and when a journalist from The Team asks Roger Federer if the presence of his wife allowed him to win the 20 Grand Slam tournaments he amassed during his career, the answer is clear: “Pouuuuuu… yes, I think so. She supported me so much, pushed me towards tennis instead of telling me all the time: “Yeah, when are you finished?” She had a lot of impact in my life but also on a field”.

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