Rofrane (Large Families), one of his sons with autism? The diagnosis is confirmed …

In Large families, life in XXL, the tribe Bambara agreed to open its doors to viewers. It is made up of parents Rofrane and Nasser and their 3-year-old quadruplets, Hajar and Noor for girls and Chemsy-Dine and Kheïry-Dine for the boys. On screen, this small group is used to sharing extraordinary and joyful moments. But this Wednesday, December 1, they agreed to discuss a very serious subject around one of their children, Kheïry. The latter would be affected by a form of handicap.

And it is “stressed” that Rofrane Bambara presented herself to the general pediatric department of a hospital for confirmation, in the episode of this Wednesday, December 1, 2021. “The meeting I have with the psychomotor therapist is an exchange around Kheïry. It’s a chain of questions, so I’m answering as best I can. She confirms it to me and says to me: ‘Madame Bambara, yes there are particularities which, put end to end, are part of a fairly broad spectrum of autism, autism spectrum ‘“, she explains, upset.

Once back home, it’s time for her to break the news to her husband Nasser, who quickly realizes that something is wrong. “I know her by heart. I see his face and I tell myself that it does not smell good. It’s not good news that she’s going to teach me“, he feels. And it is in the privacy, the cameras off, that the two parents had their discussion.”I prefer that it remains between us the debrief of the consultation (…) We are there to share our daily life, but for that moment, we needed to be 5 minutes, alone“, justified the dad.

Several weeks ago, Internet users suspected that little Kheïra was possibly suffering from autism while his mother Rofrane expressed concern. “Whether for Kheïry or for his brothers and sisters, everything is fine, everything is different from what we imagined parenthood but everything is fine. I thank god every day for the little boy he is and the siblings he has. As they say: ‘The important thing is not the fall, but the landing’“, she confided despite everything.

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