Rofrane Bambara (Large families) sick again: she announces bad news

The end of 2021 has been complicated for Rofrane Bambara. And 2022 unfortunately does not start well for the candidate of Large families, life in XXL (TF1). On January 31, 2022, she revealed that she had to cancel a great family weekend because of the Covid-19.

After spending two days without giving any news, the mother of Kheïry-Dine and Chemsy-Dine, Noor and Hajar (4 years old) took over her Instagram account in order to speak to her community. And the news wasn’t really good. “I haven’t had you since Friday. The last time I picked you up was to tell you that I felt I was a little ill. As if I was going to have a cold or the flu. So it didn’t miss“, first confided Rofrane Bambara.

She then revealed that originally, her husband Nasser, her children and she had to go to Paris in order to carry out a shoot. They therefore intended to stay there all weekend in order to enjoy the joys of the capital together. But a PCR test that Rofrane had to perform for the famous photo shoot turned everything upside down. While she was taking care of her hair, once the suitcases and the car were ready, the young woman received the famous message telling her that her results were available, one hour before departure. “I opened the test, it was positive. Fortunately, there weren’t many people with me and the little ones weren’t at school. thank god it’s ok but I do not hide from you that I was disgusted. We already saw each other in Paris, enjoying with the children“, she clarified.

Fortunately, Rofrane Bambara has less severe symptoms than the first time she contracted the virus, in August. If she was in a “dirty state“Last summer, the brunette felt like she just had a cold this time:”I thank God because I live it very well. It’s like a cold. I had a few headaches, aches and chills but frankly, I’m not complaining. I thought it was going to be more complicated.

Nasser’s wife must have been quite relieved not to be completely flat like last time, as she fell on hard times at the end of 2021. Last Christmas, she had to be hospitalized and had several tests, including a puncture lumbar spine and an MRI. In the end, she learned that she had contracted the flu which had damaged her brain. This led to a loss of mobility on the right side, forcing him to undergo rehabilitation sessions afterwards.

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