Rofrane Bambara (Large families): Her daughters also have autism? She evokes their “particularities”

On October 24, 2022, Rofrane Bambara answered questions from its subscribers during a question and answer session on Instagram. Thus, the candidate of Large families (TF1) spoke of the disorder from which his daughters Noor and Hajar (4 years old) could suffer.

Last week, Rofrane Bambara left Montpellier with the sisters of Kheïry-Dine and Chemsy-Dine to go to Paris. The mother of the family has organized a nice surprise for them by taking them to Disneyland Paris. An incredible moment that she shared on Instagram. Since then, Nacer’s wife has returned to her cozy nest. And on Tuesday, she answered a few questions, the opportunity to discover that their stay “went really well“, even if there is “had some tough times“.

Rofrane Bambara then responded to a subscriber who wondered if, like their brothers, Noor and Hajar have been diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). “The boys are diagnosed with ASD, the girls are not, at least not yet. We see several particularities that arise from ASD in Hajar and Noor, so we took the lead and set up a similar follow-up for the boys. while waiting for a diagnosis. Honestly I think soafterwards I can’t say anything or at least use the term ASD without the official diagnosis“So replied the charming brunette. Indeed, as she revealed in a following story, her four children are followed by a speech therapist and do psychomotricity sessions. “Not to mention specialized education“, she added.

Rofrane Bambara has never hidden that her sons have this disorder, which made their first year of kindergarten difficult due to the lack of involvement of the teaching staff. “Last days a little complicated but it will pass, we will bounce back. You understood it, we knew it but we had the restitution of Keïry’s diagnosis. It confirms everything we said, all the support we have put in place. That was it, so autism“, she said in particular last June.

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