Rods | A new prize at Critics’ Week

La Semaine de la critique, a parallel section of the Cannes Film Festival dedicated to first and second feature films, is adding a new prize, the jury’s French Touch, this year.

Posted yesterday at 9:07

Andre Duchesne

Andre Duchesne
The Press

This prize, unveiled early Friday morning, “is supported by a French organization dedicated to the promotion of creative and cultural industries”, indicates the site which was the first to announce it. More concretely, we want to salute the originality and risk-taking of young talents.

“The French Touch is not just an economic sector, it is also the French spirit, creativity, dreams and audacity”, also indicated the Semaine de la Critique.

Among the other prizes awarded annually at this event, which has existed since 1962, are the Grand Prix, the Louis Roederer prize for revelation and the Leitz Ciné prize for short films.

The filmmakers whose film has been selected in this section are also eligible to obtain the Caméra d’or, prize for the best first film presented either in official competition, at the Directors’ Fortnight or at Critics’ Week.

The 75and edition of the Cannes Film Festival will take place from May 17 to 28.

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