Rock The Pistes Festival: when the mountain turns into a dancefloor



Article written by

E. Cornet, F. Blévis, P. Grandouiller, C. De Chassey – France 3

France Televisions

The Rock T FestivalHey Tracks, in the Alps, was held from March 13 to 19. It was marked by the fiery concert of the Marseille group I AM. The festival was eagerly awaited after two long years of absence due to the health crisis.

To access this concert a priori like the others, there is only one way: the chairlift. AT 1,500 meters above sea level, at lunchtime, 5,000 people descend on skis, to waddle on the snow, in wetsuits, sometimes as a family, to the rap sounds ofI AM. The principle of the Rock The Pistes festival, which takes place over a week: five concerts on five different summits of the Franco-Swiss area of ​​the Portes du Soleil. There is only one concert per day so as not to disturb the tranquility of the animals.

Climbing such a structure at this altitude is a small feat. The majority of the installations are inflatable structures. The artists, them, change air. After two years of covidIt’s always good to take. “There is less of an official concert side and it’s both a concert with a holiday flavor, it’s pretty cool”, explain the group members I AM. For several years, festivals at altitude have multiplied. Objective for the resorts, faced with the drop in snow cover: diversify activities and attract a younger clientele.

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