Robots and artificial intelligence, green finance … The eco debates of Saturday, October 30

Every Saturday, two economists debate the topics that mark the economic and social news.

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Around Emmanuel Cugny to comment on the economic news of the week, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, founder of the Circle of economists, president of the Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence, and François Ecalle, president of the think tank and website Fipeco (Public Finances and Economy), author for the Institut Montaigne.

Reindustrialisation: does robotic France have a future?

The France 2030 investment plan will devote 800 million euros to the robotics sector, including 400 million for the manufacture of these robots which incorporate artificial intelligence. This is what Emmanuel Macron announced last Monday, visiting a factory in Saint-Etienne: “To reindustrialize France, we need to robotize, to digitize our industry, to catch up.” Dream or reality ?

COP26: what role for green finance?

The COP26 opens Sunday in Glasgow, Scotland. This is the 26th international climate conference scheduled to last two weeks and which should allow some 200 countries to find a new agreement to reduce their CO2 emissions. This will require heavy investments, breakthrough innovation. How to finance this urgent and unavoidable transition? What role can what is called green finance play? Is this concept a reality?

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