Roblox video game platform down for Halloween

(Washington) The popular video game site Roblox was starting to restore its service very gradually, after a two-day outage that deprived millions of players of access to the online game creation platform for the weekend of Halloween.

“We have identified the root cause and the solution,” the California-based collaborative platform announced on Twitter Sunday, “working to get things back online.”

Sunday afternoon, Roblox said “gradually bring the regions back online”, while the outage has lasted since Friday.

On Roblox’s inert site, one could read: “We are working to make things even better. Back soon ”.

In a statement to the magazine The Verge, Roblox confirmed that its platform was not down due to an “external intrusion”.

“We believe we have identified an underlying internal cause of the failure, with no sign of external intrusion,” said a spokesperson.

The platform prides itself on being frequented by some 33 million users – half of whom are under the age of 16 – to play thousands of games, but also to become creators of video games which are then shared, even sold on the service.

On the model of YouTube and its YouTubers, Roblox is also a platform that pays, by microtransactions, its game creators, budding or more sophisticated.

Listed on Wall Street in March at $ 70 a share, Roblox stock was worth $ 84 at the last close on Friday, representing a capitalization of $ 48 billion.

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