Robert Pattinson: Rare statement about his companion Suki Waterhouse, a “very fun” woman

For his first mention of Suki Waterhouse, Robert Pattinson says he spoke with her about a visit to a zoo. “I was talking to my girlfriend (…) and she was like, ‘You know, people don’t really like zoos’. I thought a sad bear walking in circles was very unfair“, recalls the comedian recently seen in the films tenet (directed by Christopher Nolan) and The king (with Timothée Chalamet).

Robert then returns to a discussion between Suki Waterhouse and a repairman fan of comics, at their home in London. “The guy came over and he started telling us how much he was a DC fan. [DC Comics, la franchise de Superman, Batman et Wonder Woman, NDLR]. I was there, I was looking away, and my girlfriend was continuing the conversation with him. And I was looking at her like, ‘Shut up! Why are you doing this to me ?’. She was great fun talking to an obsessive fan“, he confides on this hazardous meeting.

The Batman will be released in France on March 2, 2022, and on March 4 in the United States. The film’s premieres would be the perfect opportunity for Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse to walk their very first red carpet together. Until then, the two lovers have always taken care never to appear officially together, despite the publication of a few stolen photos in the middle of the street.

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