Robert Badinter will vote “for Emmanuel Macron” against Marine Le Pen because “the time is too serious and the choice too important”

In a major interview granted to franceinfo, the former Keeper of the Seals Robert Badinter insisted: “Let’s not take a risk with freedom”.

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On April 24, the second round of the presidential election will take place in France. Emmanuel Macron faces Marine Le Pen. “I will vote for Mr. Macronsaid Robert Badinter, former Keeper of the Seals, Wednesday April 13 on franceinfo. It’s as clear as possible. The hour is too serious and the choice too important.”

>> War in Ukraine: “International justice will inevitably set in motion and all criminals will be tried”, says Robert Badinter

Jean-Luc Mélenchon said on the evening of the first round, “not a single voice for Marine Le Pen”but did not call to vote for Emmanuel Macron.

“We belonged to the same group, I have known him for a long time, he is a powerful orator. Everyone takes their responsibilities. It is up to them to consider that abstaining from Madame Le Pen is enough.reacted Robert Badinter. I answer: add up the possible votes of Lepénistes, of all those who voted for Mr. Zemmour and others. Let’s not take a risk with freedom. You have to vote for Mr. Macron in these circumstances.”

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