Roast pork, risotto and rösti potatoes

Today the chef Maxim de Luca proposed to Manon, our Reims cook for a day, to prepare roast pork, risotto and potato rosti.

To cook like a chef, here is the list of ingredients and the recipe to follow step by step!

Ingredients for 6 people

– 6 veal chops

– 1 onion

– 1 dl of white wine

– 3 large potatoes

– 150 gr of Pecorino

– 240 gr of Carnaroli rice

– mixed salad

– 500 ml of chicken stock

– salt

– pepper

– olive oil



Wash, peel and grate the potatoes. Rinse them well under cold water. Place the pieces on an oiled pan. Season the meat with salt and pepper, cook it on an oiled and buttered pan then bake for 15 minutes (rotating heat) with the rösti. Make a sauce by mixing the oils and the liquid cream on the pan used previously.

Peel and mince an onion. Cook it in a pan with oil. Add the rice and cook until it becomes very, very shiny. Slowly add a glass of white wine and the chicken stock Cook for 10 minutes and wet occasionally, then simmer for another 15 minutes.

Add the Pecorino and the butter. Season the rack of veal, salt, pepper and walnut oil and herbs from Provence. Bake whole in the oven at 220 degrees for 1h20.


Place the risotto, salad, pieces of meat and rosti on a large plate.

And taste !

Maxime de Luca regularly searches new candidates to participate in Blue Circuit, Flavors Side: We cook together. You can subscribe to the 0.809.400.500 (price of a local call). We are waiting for your calls!

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