“Since Monday, we have received a lot of calls … Up to 70 per day for FFP2 masks. It’s funny because a few weeks ago, some of our customers, wholesalers, told us that they did not buy any more because they weren’t sure to sell their stock. Since they only asked for the surgical mask. And this week, they call me back to order, because they realize that they do not will not have enough “, says Audrey Gianone, commercial and administrative director of Valmy Industries.
The Mably plant, near Roanne, quickly felt the impact of the Italian decision to make FFP2 masks compulsory in enclosed spaces.
– ER
Preparations for things to start on Monday
Suddenly, the Mably factory, near Roanne, is getting organized to increase the production of these particle masks from next Monday. At the end of the week, machines were in maintenance and the raw materials installed as close as possible to the production lines to be able to restart at full capacity the following week.
“We are recalling old fixed-term contracts. And we just hired two people who have never worked for us or in the industry. And they start on Monday, in pairs with one of our CDIs, then they will quickly be autonomous! It is their interpersonal skills that interests us, “explains Myriam Aroussi, the recruiting manager. To operate these machines, you have to keep your eyes open and be reactive in order to detect the slightest fault quickly.
Vacancies on Indeed
Applications for these production operator positions are made on Indeed. The Valmy factory employs 20 people but the workforce has counted up to 80 people in spring 2020. The hires, probably ten by the end of the month, should also make it possible to replace any sick employees.
Valmy can produce up to 20 million FFP masks per month thanks to seven production lines, some of which are brand new because they were purchased last year. These foldable masks accounted for 10% of production last month as orders focused on surgical masks. The proportion should quickly approach 75%.