Road works | The Plante administration accused of inaction

The Plante administration is not acting to improve automobile traffic in Montreal and has broken a campaign promise in this regard, the official opposition at city hall accused this morning.

Posted at 11:51 a.m.

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard
The Press

Ensemble Montréal noted that the mayor’s party had pledged to “launch a major Worksite Summit in the first six months” following its election. Ten months after the November 2021 election, no event of this type has been announced.

“The promise was not kept,” lamented Alan DeSousa, mayor of the borough of Saint-Laurent and spokesperson for the opposition. “We are seeing Projet Montréal twiddling their thumbs while everyone is stuck in traffic. It’s a broken promise. »

Mr. DeSousa deplores the lack of coordination between the various municipal, governmental and private actors in order to better coordinate the closures of arteries linked to construction sites. “We don’t just have an administration of immobility, we have an administration of immobility,” he said.

Last year, the Plante administration endowed Montreal with a “construction site charter” to which major clients active in Montreal have adhered. In particular, they undertook to better coordinate their work and make it more secure.

The Plante administration did not immediately react to the exit of Ensemble Montreal.

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