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Should a compulsory medical consultation be imposed on seniors? The debate is relaunched after the accident that occurred last weekend in Pas-de-Calais. A 76-year-old motorist lost control of his vehicle, injuring 12 people.
Should compulsory inspection be imposed on motorists of a certain age? Drivers over 75 are not against it. “(…) Let them give me the license again if they want”, says one of them. “If we need visits, we will make visits”says a woman. Drivers over 75 are the most involved in accidents, as are 18-24 year olds. Young people because of speed and narcotics, older people because of reduced alertness and eyesight and taking medication.
European countries already impose controls
A driving instructor observes this every day. “With age, the person reacts less and less quickly. There are people who are still very lively, there are others who come to driving school precisely to question themselves”says Hervé Lequin, instructor. Many European countries already impose regular eye and reflex examinations, as in the Netherlands from the age of 75, for example. For the road safety association, it is necessary to impose the same rules in France.