According to official figures, 672 people died in 2022 in a road accident involving a driver who had taken drugs. This represents one fatal accident in five.
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Road Safety will launch an awareness campaign on Wednesday November 15 on the consequences of drug use while driving. According to official statistics, 672 people were killed in 2022 in a road accident involving a driver who had taken drugs, or one in five fatal accidents. In 91% of cases, the driver was a man and in 58% of cases, he was between 18 and 24 years old.
For the launch of this campaign, the interministerial delegate for Road Safety, Florence Guillaume, went to a road check organized in Fleury-Mérogis, while the police increased drug checks with 764,331 screenings. operated in 2022, compared to slightly more than 630,000 in 2021. “It will still increase in 2023”specified Florence Guillaume, insisting on the “pedagogy” also linked to these screening checks for drivers.
The new campaign, which begins Wednesday in cinemas and Sunday on television, “metaphorically illustrates the loss of reflexes of a driver who has consumed drugs”explains Road Safety, sending the message that “drugs make you a danger to yourself and a danger to others”. In 2022, 3,260 people died on the roads of France.