Road safety: France has 770,000 drivers without a license



Article written by

L. Berbey, E. Pelletier, A. Gaucher, A. Tribouart, A. Dehrille – franceinfo

France Televisions

770,000 French people travel without a driving license. A constantly increasing number and not very reassuring, especially since nearly 10% of fatal accidents involve fatal motorists who do not have or no longer have their license.

In Lunel (Hérault), a controlled motorist was driving without a seatbelt, alcoholic and without a driving license. He was sentenced to a fine of 150 euros, four months suspended prison sentence and four months of suspension of additional licenses. Like him, 770,000 motorists were driving without a valid license in 2019. Consequence: 220 people were killed in 2020 in accidents involving an unlicensed driver. It is the cost of training that is singled out, but also the time taken to retake your license after a suspension.

But there is also a link between the lack of a license and unsafe behavior among these drivers. More than the others, they consume drugs and alcohol. A driver without a license incurs a fine of 15,000 euros and one year’s imprisonment. In the event of an accident, he must settle all the damages himself.

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