“Road prevention is no longer a matter of stupidity”, reacts Pierre Chasseray of 40 million motorists

Road Safety has launched a petition to request a maximum speed of 30 km/h in town. If reaction time is the issue, Pierre Chasseray estimates that by forcing motorists to constantly monitor their speedometer, it “will be multiplied by two or three”.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Bleu Azur

Radio France



Reading time: 2 min

A 30 km/h speed limit sign (illustrative photo).  (THIBAULT DELMARLE / RADIO FRANCE)

“Road prevention is no longer a matter of stupidity”protested Wednesday May 29 on France Bleu Azur Pierre Chasseray, general delegate and spokesperson for the 40 million motorists association, very opposed to the petition launched by Road Prevention to generalize the speed to 30 km/h in all the cities.

Road Safety launched a petition last Thursday to drive at 30 km/h throughout the city, to promote “road safety”the development of mobility “good for health and the planet”. But for the association 40 million motorists, “It’s a really bad idea thought up by those who never drive.”

“We looked at this petition which is the petition of almost no onedescribes Pierre Chasseray. Today with all the devil’s media hype, we have just 1,500 people in France who have signed in favor of this 30 km/h generalized in all cities in France. For our part, we are approaching a million against this proposal, which is totally ineffective, whether in terms of security, common sense, says Pierre Chasseray. It’s real stupidity, this idea of ​​30 an hour.”

Road Safety suggests that with an impact at 30 km/h, the risk of dying is 10% while it is 80% at 50 km/h. “It’s at the CP/CE1 level the reactionretorts Pierre Chasseray. When you want someone to drive at 30 km/h, you can’t limit it to 30 km/h. Since the speed limit of 30 km/h implies that you must drive below 30 km/h all the time. This is not a recommended speed, it becomes the maximum authorized speed. (…) In less than a day, no one has a driving license anymore”he assures.

The security argument is “ineffective”, according to Pierre Chasseray. “In terms of reaction time, Road Safety is no longer a fool’s errand away. When you test this 30 km/h measurement, you have to keep your eyes glued to the speedometer, argues the general delegate. Of course, the stopping distance will be shortened, but the reaction time will be multiplied by two or three, which is even worse. “It’s a really bad idea thought up by people who never drive.” He explains that his association “did tests on a simulator”.

“You’re constantly looking at your speedometer. You’re not looking at the road anymore, because it becomes a challenge.”

Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of 40 million motorists

in France Bleu Azur

Furthermore, according to him, the Road Prevention proposal to pollute less is a measure that “can only be imagined by people who don’t ride.” “Technically, as soon as you shift a car into third gear, you are certain to go above 30 km/h. A vehicle is not made to drive at a constant speed in second gear, unless it is in gear. to constantly monitor and agree to consume a lot of fuel and therefore emit more pollution”says Pierre Chasseray.

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