RN, pension reform, “gigafactory”, Vertbaudet … What to remember from the interview with Xavier Bertrand

President Les Républicains (LR) of the Hauts-de-France region was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday May 31, 2023.

President Les Républicains (LR) of the Hauts-de-France region was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. france infoWednesday May 31, 2023. RN, Liot law on pensions, “gigafactory” factory, Vertbaudet… He answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Benjamin Sportouch.

RN “heir to Pétain”: “We don’t fight them that way”

“It’s true that we don’t fight them that way”, replied Xavier Bertrand, president of the Hauts-de-France region while Emmanuel Macron reframed his Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, during the Council of Ministers. She had estimated on Radio J that the National Rally was “Pétain’s heir”. “It is not with moral judgments and with the words of the 90s that we fight it”, replied the head of state. Xavier Bertrand recalled that Marine Le Pen’s party was “originally a very clearly xenophobic party”, “racist”and even “anti-Semite”. Today, the National Rally disguises itself as a government partybut “if the government obtained results, the National Front would not be so high today in the voting intentions”he pointed out. “The least we can say” is that between Elisabeth Borne and Emmanuel Macron, “it’s not going well”quipped Xavier Bertrand, while the Head of State reframed his Prime Minister. “What is being prepared is the famous end of the 100 days. The President of the Republic is getting everyone used to the fact that he will change Prime Minister”he assures.

Proposed Liot Law: “Why this feverishness?”

Xavier Bertrand wondered about the “febrility” from the executive about the Liot group’s bill to repeal the raising of the legal age to 64. It is examined from Wednesday in the Social Affairs Committee at the National Assembly. “We have a government which tells us that there is not much to fear from this bill, but which spends its time trying to scuttle this bill”. “Today, from the top of the state, head of government to the Assembly, everyone is trying to scuttle this bill. Why this feverishness on their part?”, he wondered. The Prime Minister denounced an unconstitutional law. “She exceeds her function”denounces Xavier Bertrand who refers to the Constitutional Council. “It’s not up to the head of government to say it”, according to him. Xavier Bertrand indicates that he will vote for the Liot group’s bill if it “meets the objectives that I have defended: no more than 43 years of contributions, the end of special schemes now and an advantage given to women who have incomplete careers”.

Gigafactory factories: “Training program” for “20,000 people”

The first gigafactory of electric car batteries was inaugurated on Tuesday in Pas-de-Calais. Xavier Bertrand ensures that the development of the electric car will compensate in the Hauts-de-France region for job losses in the automotive industry. “Over the next decade, we have four gigafactories, that is to say factories with approximately 2,000, 2,500 employees”he said. “We have launched a whole training program” For “20,000 people in Dunkirk, Douai and in the heart of the mining area”he detailed.

Strike at Vertbaudet: “Nobody on the floor”

Xavier Bertrand asks that “no one is on the floor” while employees of the Vertbaudet clothing company in Marquette-lez-Lille (Nord) have been on strike for more than two months to demand wage increases. The employees, mostly women, obtained a bonus of 650 euros in an agreement signed by the unions, apart from the CGT. “I hope, because the negotiations are continuing, that we can achieve social dialogue and social peace in this company”, did he declare. As the social conflict took on a national dimension, Xavier Bertrand denounced the role of “media-political theater professionals”, aimed in particular at La France insoumise.

Military programming law: “It must be voted on”

“Despite the shortcomings of this military programming law, I would be a parliamentarian, I would vote for it and I think it should be voted for”, assured Xavier Bertrand while the deputies will debate for fifteen days the budget of the armies. The government is proposing an increase of 413 billion euros over seven years, in particular to modernize the army.

“We would even need more for our armies. We must learn all the lessons from what happened in Ukraine”, he estimated. But according to him, “The military programming law must be the subject of a real consensus. Everyone will take their responsibilities”he said. “Whatever the political differences we may have, there are things we have in common, it is to preserve the interest of the country”he assures.

Immigration law: LR’s proposals to “change the game”

“If we really want to take back control of our migration policy, it is from LR’s proposals which take over more than 80% of those I made at the time of the primary which will frankly allow us to change the situation”, said Xavier Bertrand. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is waiting for the support of the Republicans to pass his immigration bill in the coming months. The right wishes to free itself from European rules on immigration. “Today there are articles from the European Court of Human Rights or the Court of Justice of the European Union” Who “very clearly prevent us from having a policy that allows us to choose who comes to France. It’s up to immigration to adapt to the needs of France, it’s not up to France to adapt”, he says. According to him, “it is not at all a question of leaving Europe” and remember that “France is not the only one to want there to be changes in the migration policy of the European Union”.


Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Wednesday, May 31, 2023:

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