The elected official, who chairs the commission of inquiry into foreign interference, targets the rapporteur of this body, the Renaissance deputy Constance Le Grip, in this report to the public prosecutor of Paris.
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“Macronie can try to betray the truth, it will not transgress our laws with impunity.” The deputy Rassemblement national de la Somme, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, president of the commission of inquiry into foreign interference, took legal action and targeted the rapporteur of this same commission, the deputy Renaissance Constance Le Grip, Friday, June 2. The elected official confirmed the information of the Point on this report addressed to the public prosecutor of Paris, speaking about it on Twitter. He accuses his colleague of having disclosed the content of the report, which accuses his party of having played the role of “drive belt” of Russian power, before its official publication, scheduled for June 8.
“I will not allow the work of the Foreign Interference Inquiry Commission to be disguised by MPs who think that all shots are allowed,” said the deputy on the social network on Friday.
The commission of inquiry into foreign interference had been created on the initiative of the National Rally, in particular in response to accusations of Russian influence targeting the far-right party. The commission’s report, written by Constance Le Grip, which franceinfo was able to consult on Thursday, is overwhelming for the National Front, which has become the National Rally. The document emphasizes “alignment” of the FN on the “Russian speech” at time “illegal annexation” Crimea in 2014, months after negotiating a loan from a Czech-Russian bank.
He denounces “characterized offenses” on the part of Constance Le Grip
A report “dishonest and completely politicized”, reacted the deputy and president of the RN group in the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen. “There is nothing, in fact”assured the former presidential candidate, denouncing “a political trial”.
In his report, Jean-Philippe Tanguy writes that Constance Le Grip has “willfully failed in the obligation of secrecy which was imposed on it by disclosing the content of the report”. The MEP cites in particular a video broadcast on the Renaissance Twitter account, as well as interviews granted by the rapporteur to Release Or South Radio.
The chosen one evokes “characterized offenses (…) in article 6 of the ordinance relating to the functioning of parliamentary assemblies, of article 144-2 of the regulations of the National Assembly, of article 226-13 of the Penal Code”. This provides that “The disclosure of information of a secret nature by a person who is the depositary thereof, either by state or by profession, or by virtue of a function or a temporary mission, is punished by one year’s imprisonment and 15,000 euro fine.