RN activists in Haute-Marne want Marine Le Pen to “return to center stage”

“Marine! Marine my darling!” launch the sympathizing militants at the passage of the finalist of the presidential election. A euphoria at the height of the lack: Marine Le Pen is back on the ground in Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne), city where the far-right candidate scored 54.44% in the second round. The candidate of the National Rally for the legislative elections in Pas-de-Calais came to support the two candidates of her party. The fifty or so activists jostle for a selfie, a kiss, in front of the hotel where Marine Le Pen is holding a press conference. She holds in her hand a note slipped by an activist: “I’m disappointed Aunt Marine.”

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Disappointment after the defeat in the second round of the presidential election, but joy to see her again, because over the past three weeks, some have wondered: where is Marine Le Pen? “It was about time because since the elections, we have not seen her againnotes Jean-Luc, we haven’t heard from her anymore, we don’t know what she’s up to, what she’s preparing.” Catherine adds: “She has to come back to the front of the stage!”

“When she was not elected, it must have hurt her anyway, it gave her a blow.”

Catherine, activist of the National Rally

at franceinfo

These lifelong activists are incredulous: why such a long absence? Is it to digest defeat? Be that as it may, complain Joël and Eric, Marine Le Pen is discreet at the start of the legislative campaign, and some have taken the opportunity to take advantage of it. “All the left, Mélenchon and the whole clique!”

The risk: losing ground. Was Marine Le Pen’s absence too long? Will it be detrimental? “It’s especially you that I haven’t seen on the pitch because I’ve been there for 15 days”, replies the interested party, stung to the quick. And yet, she responds, on the merits and almost justifies herself. “A few days my god, it’s not stolen after eight months of campaigning, we have not limited our effortscontinues Marine Le Pen. But a few days also to precisely look at how the political class was repositioning itself.

“I realize that the French political class is in full decline. The National Rally seems to me a solid pillar.”

Marine Le Pen

at franceinfo

Especially since as for the presidential election, her voters will enter the campaign late, she says in a small committee. As much an analysis as a hope.

Legislative: Marine Le Pen back in the campaign – Report by Hadrien Bect


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