Riyad Mahrez spends a fortune on his fiancée’s baby shower

When you love, you don’t count and it’s not Riyad Mahrez who will say the opposite. After months of rumors, the footballer has finally formalized his relationship with Taylr Ward. But the beautiful blonde is not unknown to the battalion since the latter is the former companion of the Argentinian Sergio Aguero… the footballer’s teammate.

If they were caught in the streets of Manchester, it took a while before they confirmed the rumors. It is the lucky one who displayed their love in broad daylight on Instagram. Married religiously since the beginning of the year in Dubai, they are inseparable. Separated from the mother of his two daughters, Riyad Mahrez has drawn the wrath of his ex Rita Johal for his lack of involvement for his children and was tackled on Father’s Day.

Always so in love, Taylor Ward regularly shares photos of her and her darling and multiplies declarations of love such as: “There is no one else I would like to spend my life with. I can’t wait for us to grow old together”. And it seems to be off to a good start since the two lovebirds will soon experience another important stage in their history.

If they maintained the suspense concerning the sex and the first name of the future little one, the couple recently organized a 100% baby shower. What no longer leave room for doubt about the fact that they are going to welcome a little girl. Great news for Riyad Mahrez which confirms the adage: never two without three.

Moreover, nothing is too good for his wife since the star of the round ball saw things in a big way since one could almost believe oneself at a wedding or a princess party according to the images immortalized by the magazine OK!… This is a dream come true!

Speaking of soccer, Paul Pogba and his partner are currently in mourning.


See also: Riyad Mahrez soon to be married

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