Rivière-au-Renard tragedy: a second suspect charged with attempted murder

Attempted murder charges have been filed against the second suspect in the history of subsequent collisions that claimed the lives of two young men in Rivière-au-Renard, Gaspésie.

• Read also: Tragedy in Rivière-au-Renard: father and son accused

After charges of premeditated murder were filed against his son, Simon Dufort-Chouinard, this week, Marc-Jules Chouinard also saw his case worsen at the Percé courthouse on Wednesday.

About fifty people were present for the remote appearance of the 48-year-old man.

VAT News

In addition to the charges of dangerous driving, the Crown now believes it has all the evidence necessary to add attempted murder to Mr. Chouinard’s file.

The suspect is expected to be back in court on the 1er next September. He remains in New Carlisle Prison awaiting trial.

The father and son are accused of having caused the death of Gabriel Noël and Dylan Samuel-Francoeur, aged 19 and 18 respectively, by hitting them with their vehicle on May 10.

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