RISOTTO with MUSHROOMS and lemon cream to thank “La Table de Troche” and “Attanum”


In this Risotto recipe, the important thing is the cream! A tangy, light, airy lemon emulsion that goes wonderfully with risotto but also a fish dish, soup, etc.

* I chose wild mushrooms (mousserons and sheep’s feet) but button mushrooms also do the trick. Remove the soil from the feet, place them in a colander and run them under cold water, drain them well, pat them dry and mince them finely before taking the necessary quantity.

** Regarding the risotto, unlike other recipes with rice, it should not be washed before cooking it otherwise it will not give the expected effect, namely this creamy side given by the starch.

Per person :

For the risotto, 2 tbsp of butter, 1 ladle of prepared mushrooms *, 1 tbsp of white wine or cider vinegar, 40 cl of water, salt and pepper, 1 tbsp of oil, 3 tbsp of round rice for risotto **, 1 slice of lemon, 1 tbsp of crème fraîche, optional 1 tbsp of grated cheese (Parmesan or other)

For the cream, 1 tsp of butter, the juice of 1/2 lemon, 4 tbsp of water, 1 tsp of cornstarch, salt and pepper, 2 tbsp of unsweetened whipped cream.

Start with the cream. In a saucepan pour lemon juice and water. Dissolve the cornstarch. Season with salt and pepper, mix then heat until the mixture thickens, add the butter and stir until you obtain a smooth cream. While the cream is still hot but off the heat, gently add (mixing from the bottom of the pan upwards) the Chantilly cream. The cream will be warmed up when ready to serve.

The risotto. In a frying pan, melt the butter, add the mushrooms and brown them lightly. Season with salt and pepper, add the wine, mix, add the water, cover and cook 8 min from the boil. Filter and keep the broth in a saucepan over moderate heat. In the pan, place the oil, rice, stir so that each grain of rice is coated with fat, cook, stirring until the grains of rice become translucent, add a third of the boiling broth, stir and cook over low heat 5 to 8 min. Pour a second third of hot broth, stir and cook over low heat 5 to 8 min. finally pour in the rest of the hot broth, stir and cook over low heat 5 to 8 min. Add the cream and cheese, mix and heat over low heat 5 min. In the bottom of a mold, place the lemon slice, spread the risotto on top, cover with a plate and place in the preheated oven TH 5 (150 °) 10 min. Heat the cream, unmold the risotto, serve with the cream. Nice cuisine to all, Régine

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