risk of stopping extracurricular activities at the Amicale laïque de la Chaléassière in Saint-Étienne

Parents of students who left their children in custodySecular association of La Chaléassière, in Saint-Étienne will have to find other centers for the All Saints holidays. And as of last week, we had been informed of the difficulties of the Amicale, which can no longer assume the extracurricular since it is the town hall of Saint-Étienne which will take care of the children until the All Saints holidays.

The Amicale needs additional aid of at least 210,000 euros over three years

The financial situation of this association, which is more than a century old, is catastrophic and the question of stopping the structure now arises.

The lay association of La Chaléassière is in cease of payment, indicates the City of Saint-Étienne, in a press release. Elected officials from Saint-Etienne met the president of the Amicale and the accountant: it appears that the structure is in debt. She needs a additional aid of at least 210,000 euros over three years, i.e. 70,000 euros per year.

Parents invited to turn to other centers

The municipality contacted the other partners and financiers of the Amicale: the State, the departmental council and the CAF, but the latter discovered the seriousness of the financial situation and they would never have been alerted by the board of directors. of the Secular Association. The City of Saint-Étienne indicates that neither it nor its partners are in a position to help the structure at such a level. We tried to contact the president of the Amicale laïque de la Chaléassière, but he did not answer our questions. Parents are invited to turn to other centers for the care of their children during the All Saints holidays.

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