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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
In Belgium, we are worried about the rise in energy prices. The State intends to cushion the shock via several measures: reduction of VAT from 21% to 6% for electricity, extension of the social tariff for one million Belgians until the end of June, heating check of 100 euros. Measures that will cost a billion but will not even concern gas.
In Hungary, it is foodstuffs that worry and force the State to freeze their prices. These increases relate to foods such as sugar, oil, chicken meat. “These are everyday products, freezing their prices is a great help for families”, testifies a Hungarian.
In Denmark, piggeries are suffering from a pork price that remains low, due to weak demand. A situation that concerns all European breeders and even threatens to force some to cease their activity.